Month: March 2013

Semontel Cinta Kita


Tadi I tengok satu telemovie bertajuk “Semontel Cinta Kita”. I rasa semua orang pun akan enjoy kalau tengok cerita ni sebab memang sangat kelakar dan very relate-able dengan kehidupan kita. Walaubagaimanapun I memang tak setuju dari segi budak sekolah bercinta, dan bersusah payah nak kuruskan berat badan untuk lelaki? I mean, no girl should ever do that. If a guy needs you to be skinny to like you – he’s definitely not the one.

In a way, I setuju yang “orang gemuk” memang kena ada self-esteem yang tinggi. Only by loving your current body you can be prepared for a better, healthier new body. Tapi, I tak setuju bila orang gemuk cakap “Pedulikan apa orang kata, yang penting kita enjoy”. I get it, you love food, good food, who doesn’t? Dan memang kita tak boleh hidup dalam keadaan nak ambil peduli sangat apa orang kata tapi ini bukan lagi tentang apa orang kata. Kalau kita tak jaga pemakanan dan keep gaining weight.. Kita tak berlaku adil pada diri kita, sebab obesity is a risk factor to so many other disease.

Everyone can lose weight with healthy eating habit and exercise. I am struggling with the scale, that after 3 months of working out, I haven’t seen much reduction on the scale. But I definitely can feel my body is a lot more lean and strong than it used to be. I don’t see why people should use magic pills, or special diet regiment to lose weight. What are you rushing for? All you need is will power and maybe some aid on your mindset. Losing weight is never easy, but I know it will be worth it.

In short, you should LOVE yourself for who you are and you have to love it enough to actually make the right decision about your food intake and exercise. There’s no magic pills, it’s all calories in – calories out. 

I don’t think it’s fair for the kids if parents are morbidly obese. You have to take care of yourself first before taking care of your kids. This year on the biggest loser, one of the kids on the show even talked to her mother on how she’s afraid that her mother might die if she continues to live in her current lifestyle. In this story, semontel cinta kita, one day the daughter passed out in the lawn and the parents can’t pick her up because they are all so huge and helpless! In one scene syanie even said “Dik bab kalau jatuh bangun sendiri, mak tak larat nak angkat”.

One last thing let me tell you.. Those rapid weight loss you achieve through specific diet or supplement – that is just the water you’re losing. The fat is still there, and you might destroy your muscle instead of burning fat when you starve yourself. Eat clean, and train mean to actually build muscles and burn more fat. 

Paul McKenna Hypnotic Gastric Band


This finally came into my mailbox this week. I did intend to read this before we start our last 4 minor rotations for my 5th year – Thank God I manage to do just that. I got this on Thursday, and this morning I did my first trance – the one to fit the hypnotic gastric band. I’m very familiar with Paul McKenna’s trance I listen to the one from I Can Make You Thin quite few times a week.

This book comes with a DVD for Havening technique, and a CD containing the trance audio for both pre-operative preparation and of course for the “surgery” itself. But the 4 golden rules still apply to see results in this system. This is just like an add-on to the previous system. Because, some people *ahem* just can’t follow the 4 golden rules. haha.

Finishing the book was not as easy as reading I can Make You Thin – because some of the points are repetition but you can’t skip any parts. Paul Mc Kenna really did stress on how much he wanted the diet industry to collapse. I guess that’s the main reason why I relate to his system so much. 

As for the “procedure” you will have to cut back on fatty food and high-sugar containing food 1-2 weeks before your surgery. And walk daily for 20 minutes to get good circulation. You know, post-op complication, DVT, PE and stuff. You won’t get those from a hypnotic surgery of course, but he just want your preparation to be identical to the real surgery. I skipped this because I’m already not eating any fast food this week, and no soda, so… I think I’m good to go.

Am I skeptical about this system? I’ma have to say 50-50 because I’ve tried his system before and the result is there, just not as tremendous as claimed. But then again, he also mentioned that every body reacts in a different way to weight loss. The major thing I notice is that I do crave for healthier food. Choosing to eat healthy is one thing, but craving for them is just amazing. 

The thing is, I can’t remember vividly about the trance. After he says something about the anesthetist injecting my arm,  I just can’t recall and all I heard then was “wake up now”. LOL. Maybe he said something about painless incision and putting the band inside. *trying very hard to remember*. One thing I love about this system, instead of having to listen to the trance often, I only have to listen to it like once a month – to adjust the band. So, now I can sleep listening to other trance. Hehehe.

My Body Revolution update : I loooooooooove the workout. The cardio was a bit boring though – yet such a killer. In the first phase we’re basically building up our strength to endure the phase 2 and 3.

Till next time, stay fabulous!

p.s : due to me being soooo eager to buy the book – I actually purchased TWO of them. The other one has not yet arrived but I’m thinking of giving it away when they do. Or maybe sell it. But I don’t think people are into this hypnosis thing. hmmm hmmm…

This Girl is On Fire – We should all be!

Hello lovelies 🙂

I have never followed any season of The Biggest Loser the way I do with Season 14. I really like it – now that I have bonded with Jillian, I just loooooove seeing her in action and also I love that TBL are trying to address child obesity in the states. Ah come on… kids nowadays, everywhere is leading an unhealthy lifestyle. When my siblings and I were at the age of our nephews and niece – we were outdoor playing all the time. Parents even have to make ruling that we can only go out and play after Asr.. You know… our parents they always tells us “Paneh tu… jangan main luar…Nanti demam…” Kids nowadays?

My favorite contestant? Of course la Danni Allen – White Team – Jillian’s girl… She even becomes pink during the individuals – how cute! So today’s episode when the showed Danni’s improvement through out the show – with the song Girl On Fire – I literally burst into tears. Few weeks ago Naya was singing this song in Glee as she moves to NY. OMG… This song is soooooo gonna be my song this year. So powerful and inspiring!

Regardless if it’s our weight loss journey… Or our study.. Or just improving ourself in any other aspect, we should all be at our best. If there’s anything I learnt from Danni – it’s definitely determination and staying focus in pursuing your goal. We should all be on fire. Hehehe.. Anyways, I just want to share this song with you fabulous ladies. I just love Naya so I’m sharing the one from Glee. Back off you glee haters!

[ My life updates ]  I have been enjoying my holiday. Today I even sell laksa haha. I will share the recipe soon, InshaAllah… 🙂 I ditched working out for two days – those laksa making really worked my biceps and today….Almost 3 hours walking and standing… I have been soda-free for 13 days 🙂 *pat on the back* and actually craving for plain water a lot. Yea..I’m lovin it these days.


my two best girls on their Last, Last Chance Workout

Till next time, stay fabulous!

post february shred :-)

Alhamdulillah I finished my february shred. I’m currently on day 6 doing Body Revolution, by non other than my beloved trainer : Jillian Michaels.

Stats : Lose few more inches, and a kg or two..

My weight loss is moving reaaaaally slow – I’m guessing it’s because of the way I eat. Really should stop eating while watching something on the internet. And with that being said, this month I’m going zero-soda 🙂 It’s been a week now, and wasn’t really that hard. The only problem is when we eat out. But I managed 3 dine-outs already 🙂

Feels amazing to have good control of your life and being committed to something.  Fitness wise – I think I’m improving a lot, just on the scale, still can’t see much difference. My jeans however, is making me happy… hehe.. 

I kinda stopped checking in on the facebook shred group.. I should have been motivating other people but looking at the stat of how many people are actually reading the post, I got discouraged. – Bad group leader! LOL.

My February Shred Journal is available on the top bar. I will soon add the body revolution journal too.

Till next time. Stay Fabulous and



As much as we hate to admit this, hijab has now become a fashion trend. Muslim women all around the globe are trying to catch up with the latest trend of hijab, spending a good sum of money to look good and ending up having a wardrobe full of hijab and dresses they no longer wear. 

I personally don’t have much clothing in my wardrobe. I know it sounds untrue because every girl says that while having not enough space to put the clothes, but compared to other girls my age I’m positive I’m at the lower end of the equation. We try and try and try to wear something that covers our aurah perfectly and at the same pretty 🙂 

So, nak dipendekkan cerita.. During my holidays last year, I order lah tudung akel online. Tudung akel ni I beli sebab dia ada yang 2-tone, 3-tone macam bawal 3-tone tu, tapi kain polyester, tak jarang. Memang I suka sangat tudung akel. Mula-mula I beli yang bidang 50, I showed it to my parents. My abah disapprove of the tudung because it’s quite short on the back side. I answered, “Ala abah… baju kan longgar… tapi depan dah menutup dada..”. Respecting abah’s opinion, the next batch of order, I bought akel bidang 60. “Ok abah, yang ini labuh belakang. Ok tak?” Tapi, abah’s answer really struck me.

“Jangan lupa konsep sebenar menutup aurat. Tidak menarik perhatian, kalau labuh pun tapi nak bercantik-cantik…”

At that point, I just keep quiet. I really don’t get it. i know abah maksudkan jangan bertabarruj dalam berpakaian, tapi di mana yang tabarruj tudung akel bidang 60, warna hitam dan kelabu. What men don’t understand is women have this desire to look good outside. Ini ujian untuk orang perempuan, mahu kelihatan cantik. If not, macam mana syarikat-syarikat kosmetik, penjagaan kulit dan sebagainya boleh untung kan?

Before this, I really struggle bila nak cari baju, sebab nak yang longgar, labuh, dan tak menarik perhatian tapi cantik. Until one day I understand what abah really try to say. Bukan soal baju tidak menarik perhatian. Tapi niat dalam hati kita tu, yang nak kelihatan cantik di luar, untuk pandangan siapa? Bila orang perempuan beli baju, mesti dia tanya dekat orang yang teman “Cantik tak?”. Persoalannya kita nak nampak cantik tu, untuk siapa? Kalau kita nak nampak cantik bagi yang halal buat kita, beli baju tak tutup aurat pun tak apa, pakai dalam rumah kan.. 

Untung perempuan-perempuan yang suci hatinya dari niat nak bercantik-cantik di luar rumah. As for me, it’s a true struggle,kalau kita memang ada koleksi baju yang not sharia compliance, lebih-lebih lagi kalau dalam koleksi baju dan tudung kita memang banyak yang cantik-cantik. Tak pakai sayang, tapi itulah hakikatnya… Mujahadah seorang perempuan nak keluar rumah dalam keadaan aurat dan maruahnya terpelihara dengan sempurna.

Tapi bukan pulak maksudnya keluar rumah kena nampak hodoh, buruk dan selekeh. Cukuplah nampak kemas dan presentable. Sekadar tak bagi impression pada orang yang muslimah ni selekeh tapi bukan dalam keadaan nak nampak cantik dan menarik di mata ajnabi. Memang susah, tapi tak mustahil. I pun nak cuba, jom lah kita sama-sama. 🙂

Biasakan berhias dalam rumah dari usia muda. Biar sampai kita tak selesa kalau selekeh dalam rumah, dan tak selesa nak berhias sangat di luar rumah. Jangan dekat luar nak maxi dress vintage, dalam rumah baju kelawar buruk aje.. Hehehe… 

Actually last week I had a clash of ideas with my male colleagues about cosmetic surgery. Most of them agree that women should do cosmetic surgery to look perfect, thus giving them some self-confidence. I told them it’s because of men like them women put their confidence level in the way they look, while it shouldn’t have been that way. The girl in the salon I go to told me, arab women cukur kening sebab lelaki arab tak suka kalau perempuan tak cukur kening. You see? Why should women succumb to men’s desire. Why should women let men define beauty? Doesn’t make sense to me.

You are fabulous the way you are inside. You don’t have to look good for the outsiders. There are people who deserves to see your beauty, exclusively. 

Just my two cents. Jadi selesai masalah untuk shopping lepas ni 😉 Semoga Allah beri kekuatan for all fabulous ladies out there who face same struggle as I do.