
#21dayFIX Day 1


Hellooooooo fabulous ladies!

It has been almost a year since I last update – and I am back with a new program the 21 day FIX with Autumn Calabrese. Just like other BeachBody program it comes with a meal plan and a series of workout. Claimed to help you lose 15lbs in 21 days – my aim this time is just to regain my fitness level – the last time I worked out was in May, imagine! 7lbs is good enough for a start for me.

Why 21 day FIX?

  1. I love the coloured container concept. Makes meal planning fun.
  2. I’m a sucker when it comes to workout that lasts for less than 30 minutes.
  3. 21 days is a reasonable time-frame for me just to get back on the wagon.

The Meal Plan



Since this program is not available in Malaysia I had to download the workout videos and meal plan (I know this sounds terrible but Beachbody does not ship outside the States and Canada), I do not have these containers. I bought myself some measuring cups and substitute according to these measurements and also for some food, Autumn has already mentioned the portion size to each container.

I also made myself this tally sheets, printable version in upcoming update .

tally sheet complete

After my first day I realized that I am not eating enough protein and veggies in my regular diet and definitely too much sugar and fat.

I had an egg for breakfast, grapes for my morning snack. For lunch and dinner I made a batch of chicken soup with onions, celery and carrots. Yumz! I still did not achieve the total 4 red containers I’m supposed to consume though.

Also downed few kuih raya (festive cookies) along the way (temptationsss!!!). I reduced my sugary drinks intake and gobbled 1.5L of plain water with lemon slices.

As for the workout, I did Total Body Cardio Fix which was okay… I am familiar with all the moves – since I’ve tried almost ALL Jillian Michael’s workout videos. I love Jillian, I adore her but Autumn… Is just different. She’s not as loud and ‘noisy’ as Jillian yet she still made me work but not as hard as Jillian did.

I’m looking forward to this program yet I doubt if I can stick to the portion control. *sigh*.

I am currently using #fabulouscurvesMY on instagram and twitter to make it easy to track my posts on the social media.

p.s. If you need the program you can contact me and we’ll figure something out.